Copyright © 2008–2022 by Wayne
You are permitted to freely distribute these articles so
long as you properly attribute their writer and the website from which they come.
Political Articles
Books offered.

Mapping the Guitar
Authored by Wayne Stegall
Mapping the Guitar Fingerboard
is a unique and concise guide to learning the fingerboard of the
guitar. Regular practice will produce instant recall of every note on
the guitar fingerboard in all locations of occurrence. No claim is made
of trivial learning ease, all worthwhile endeavors require work.
Instead, I assert instead that the study material presented is
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Get it at Amazon. link

Unseen Enemy
An Eyewitness Account of the Betrayal of
Authored by Stegall
A chance encounter with persons associated with espionage activities
make me a target of ongoing covert operations. In the course of doing
so, my adversaries stir a maelstrom of trouble seemingly significant to
the course of prophecy and to the future of the nation. The truth is
stranger than fiction. Very
Primary sales page: link, link, link
For other Amazon sites or if these links break enter my name in Amazon
search box. I will post links to other sales outlets later.

If you look past the tug-of-war, you can see
subtly moving toward common goals.
(If you want to know
the pushy-pully is up to, see Power Rules)
God Disclaims Responsibility for
Name of Barack October 31,
2008, Updated January 7, 2009.
The Democratic Coup of 2006 November 3, 2008, Updated Dec 20,
The Spiritual Battle November 14, 2008
Power Rules January 28, 2009
Demolition 911 February 10, 2009.
The Value of Eyewitness
Testimony February 21,
The Politics of
Global Warming March 28,
A Compelling Argument
against Darwinism April 8,
Is America Destined to Serve Tyranny? April 17, 2009
The Mystery of Iniquity May 27, 2009
The Cult of the Nicolaitans June 21, 2009
Red Meat July 24, 2009
Covert Assassins August 25, 2009. Updated
August 26, 2009.
Legalized Witness Tampering September 3, 2009
Technological Deception September 28, 2009
Selective Enforcement November 1, 2009. Updated
November 4, 2009. Added postscript note 1.
The Practice of Secrecy November 29, 2009.
Norwegian Spiral December 10, 2009. Possible
near encounter with astronomical singularity. Updated February
25, 2012. Added section on possible seismic effects.
Updated March 9, 2012 Added footnote documenting details of
Science channel program cited under Unintended Support by Scientific
Media. Updated March 11, 2013. Added recent asteriod
flybys and meteor strike of past two months to section "Possible
aftereffects." Update April 24, 2018. 1.1GTon flyby of Asteroid
2018 GE3 on April 15, 2018 shows that the singularity is still
throwing rocks.
Minority Tyranny January 12, 2010.
Thinking Required March
13, 2010.
Conspiracy of Torts April 20, 2010.
God Is Right May 25, 2010. The lack of
wisdom is destructive to society.
E Pluribus Finem? July 3, 2010. A lesson for
America (and the West) from ancient Babylon.
Persecution in America? July 31, 2010. Can the
unimaginable happen here?
Rainbow of Dogs September 1, 2010
Smoke and Mirrors October 6, 2010.
Updated October 7, 2010. Corrected dates.
Graft Must Go November 8, 2010.
Alinsky and Lucifer December 3, 2010.
Playing God January 14, 2011. The
dangers of biotechnology. Updated February 7, 2012. Added
testimony of a Pterodactyl prank.
Disinformation February 4, 2011.
Believe, but don't believe everything!
Fallen Already? March 4, 2011.
Political Landscaping April 9, 2011. Who is
paving our future and where are we headed?
Delayed Justice May 12, 2011.
Political Lovers June 3, 2011.
Unreasonable Doubt July 7, 2011.
Atheism Paradox
August 15, 2011.
Beware the Flat Earthers September 14, 2011.
Pandora's Box November 30, 2011. Updated
November 4, 2013. Corrected misdirected link from political home
Who's Tracking You? December 29, 2011. The misuse
of tracking implants.
Caught in a Web January 19, 2012. Covert
manipulation of the internet.
New Wine February 3, 2012
Earth Music February 25, 2012.
What are the strange sounds heard around the world? Updated
September 9, 2013. Discovery that this phenomena was occurring
again led to repair of a YouTube link and the addition of a recent
video. Updated Septempber 10, 2013. Corrected multiple
problems with apparently broken youtube links and embeds.
Insidious Words April 4, 2012.
The 90/10 Rule May 18, 2012. The real
significance of the divide between the rich and the poor.
Perverse Rage June 27, 2012.
Updated September 16, 2012. Added postscript detailing
harassment by jet fighter following article.
I Am an Island Along with a few other
captives August 4, 2012. Updated August 28,
2012. Corrected a misspelling and added postscript.
The Natural Economy September 19, 2012.
Strange Ideas October 9, 2012. Marxist
political ideology poses to ruin our nation.
Lies and Scapegoats November 2, 2012. Updated November 3, 2012. Added links to
footnoted references.
The Executive Machine December 6, 2012.
Pagan Nation January 24, 2013.
Espionage and
Blackmail March 7,
Feared Words March 13, 2013.
Dicing Words March 27, 2013. Updated March
28, 2013. Added
Lost Children May 11, 2013.
If Everyone Was
LIstening June 26,
2013. Updated July 9, 2013. Added postscript illustrating
how such laws are created.
Patrons and Patriots August 1, 2013. Updated
August 1, 2013. Added example of Gore Vidal to show sin-activist
use of the civil rights movment.
What Freedom? September 20, 2013.
Shutdown Gambit October 2, 2013.
Clinton's Obsession October 16, 2013. Updated
November 19, 2013. Added postscript The Empire Strikes Back.
Above the Law November 21, 2013.
Try Celibacy January 21, 2014.
The Fall of America, as We Know it February 22, 2014.
(Un)deleted Files April 16, 2014. Your deleted
files linger
Where's Larry? May 12, 2014. Larry Nicols
has been silent since he confessed to be the Clintons' hit man.
Updated September 13, 2016. Contracted all occurrences of the
word that some might think should be censored.
Travesty of Justice June 2, 2014. The Malicious
Prosecution of Bob McDonnell. Updated July 31, 2014. Added
update pertaining to an attempt to contact Bob McDonnell's lawyers..
Border Invasion July 18, 2014. The hidden
agenda behind the border crisis.
No Code October 3, 2014. Was Chris
Stevens set up to die? Updated October 9, 2014. Added
reference to stand down order given to stop attempted rescue.
Corrected some grammar. Updated October 10, 2014. Improved
the analysis at the end to better show Hillary Clinton's motive.
Election Science October 29, 2014. Engineering
the outcome of an election. Updated October 29, 2014. Expanded the
argument to add clarity.
Obama the Fox January 27, 2015. Barack
Obama's hidden globalist agenda.
Silence of the Lambs March 13, 2015. How the
ruthless have made Christianity their scapegoat.
The War against God May 6, 2015. How the God and
the Church have been scapegoated by the rise of paganism.
Slave Rule July 10, 2015.
Hard Ball July 18, 2015. What my enemies most want to hide
from you. Updated August 23, 2015. Added disclaimer about
the telling of deceiving a criminal.
Smoke Signals September 12, 2015. Possible
contact from the Clintons'.
Electronic Voice Phenomena October 13, 2015. Modern
technology enables the Devil to speak. Updated October 14,
2015. Added postscript Relevance to Prophecy. Updated
October 15, 2015. Added text giving evidence that EVP could
interfere with law enforcement surveillance.
Explosive Politics October 31, 2015. I logically
connect explosion near my house to Clinton politics. Updated
November 4, 2015. Added recent Hillary gaffe as suggestive of these or
other crimes.
Politics of
Extortion December
19, 2015. Why have the Republicans surrendered to Obama?
Return to Sender February 1, 2016. Returned
letter is consistent with my inability to contact help.
Is Scalia
a Martyr? February
18, 2016. A logical case for the autopsy of Antonin Scalia.
Updated February 20, 2016. Added section Afterthoughts at the end
to properly convey the suspicions that remain.
Salt Required February 22, 2016. The real
reason conservatives are losing the battle for America. February
23, 2016. Added wording to clarifiy the idea that some operate
the wrath of God.
Shepherd's Heart February 29, 2016. I nominate Jesus for President.
This Circus is Rigged March 4, 2016. Hillary's plot
to steal the election.
The Plot Thickens June 11, 2016. Possible
extortion of Justice Kennedy makes Scalia's death more suspect.
Pinned Down August 5, 2016. Or my
experience with FloydFest.
Stand Fast August 11, 2016
Tony Soprano for President September 23, 2016. Is it
possible that America could elect a criminal for President?
Witchy Weather October 13, 2016. Eyewitness
testimony suggests weather manipulation.
Orbit October 21, 2016. An
atonishing excerpt from my book shows my enemies' ruthlessness.
Updated October 26, 2016. Added a new paragraph at the end of the
article – entitled Other Witnesses – perhaps as astonishing at the
original article itself.
Cabal November 1, 2016. Plot to
destroy me in 1994 raises questions concerning Clinton's involvement.
False Flag December 15, 2016.
Accusations of Russian hacking are only cover for the censorship of
political free speech and an ongoing attempt to steal the election.
Insurrection April 1, 2017.
Smoking Gun
April 18, 2017. New evidence of witness tampering.
Ruthlessness September 25, 2017.
No Peace February 19, 2018.
The Unseen War September 7, 2018.
Sayoc Unmasked November 2, 2018. Coverup of
bomber's Democratic past. Updated November 5, 2018.
Corrected some misspellings and added section Additional Remarks.
Darkened Hearts May 6, 2019. Rationalization
poses to harm society.
End Times? March 19, 2020. A Brief
Explanation Relating Today's Events to Bible Prophecy.
War on the Police June 28, 2020.
Framed!? August 27, 2020. Police are
setup by subtlety.
Consequences of Anarchy December 16, 2020.
Click Your Heels January 9, 2021. The election
was stolen and you knowit.
Shadow Cabal
21, 2021. Democrats admit conspiracy to steal election.
You Will Be
Assimilated May 1, 2021..
Prophets? June
Hacked Spiral
Hacking of controversial article validates it.
What Would Jesus Do?
Pharaoh's Magicians
17, 2022.
The Worst Thing I've Ever Done February 3, 2023. Created.
Elijah Law March 2, 2023 Secret law
brings summary judgement against supposed end time actors.
Source Texts
Appendix A of the Transcript of the
1977 Senate Mkultra Hearing
Page Updated January
19, 2010. Discover the strangeness of liberalism for yourself.
New Clinton Chronicles May
21, 2010. A must view for the evaluation of the health of our
Updated May 9,
2014. Google link no longer sponsered. Updated to new one.
The Clinton's
Sopranos Spoof May 21,
2010. Is this an allusion to the Clinton Chronicles?
Copyright date on articles as shown for creation