The 90/10 Rule
The disparity of wealth between the rich and the poor is a common topic
for political discussion. It is believed by many of conservative
and liberal ideology alike that the rich hold a disproportionate share
of the wealth. The most commonly held conception are the related
90/10 and 80/20 rules: that is that 10% of the upper rank of the rich
hold 90% of the wealth leaving the remaining 10% to the less fortunate
remainder. The 80/20 rule holds the same relation only with
different numbers. This implies an inverse relation of income to
ones ranking on the economic ladder (i.e. richest, second richest,
richest,... , poorest). The blue line in the following graph
shows this relationship. The red line is the integral of income
curve. It represents the increase in tax base as
progressively more rich are included.

Horizontal axis: Wealth ranking in percent.
Vertical axis: Approximate income in $1000 units.
Blue curve: Modeled income from 0 = $15k to 100 = richest based
on the
inverse model.
Red curve: Integral of income curve represents increase in tax
base as
progressively more rich are required to pay. (Not to scale)
Now someone is going to say that the rich can support everyone.
However there is no wealth for anybody if no one is working to create
the prosperity that these relations suggest. If anyone is
cheated at any point along the curve everyone loses. If the rich
are cheated, there is no incentive for anyone to become entrepreneurs,
to become rich, to do those things that raise the whole curve. In
an interactive economy where those at the bottom of the curve buy the
majority of the goods, cheating those at the bottom also deprives the
rich who now have no one to whom to sell their goods. If
prosperity is benefited by upward mobility, there must evenly
distributed incentives without obstacles at every point along the
way. This calls for fair treatment of everyone. Tax schemes
with sudden jumps at any point inhibit upward mobility at those very
junctions. This seems to suggest taxing everyone at the same
rate, perhaps 9% or less. As the graph shows that the rich can
pull more weight, including everyone without loopholes would enable a
rate low enough to deter anyone from trying to cheat the system.
The reason our tax code is corrupted with loopholes is that the rich
fear Socialists will steal all of their money. If I were a small
businessman, I would not want to build a business then lose it to a
50-75% estate tax after having been penalized with high taxes for
having the initiative to create prosperity for me and my
employees. Robin Hood was a criminal!
Altruism is great in many ways. However altruism does not pay the
bills and usually provides no motive to build a successful economic
enterprise. Some degree of self-interest is necessary to move
everyone up on this curve. Artificial economic schemes that
subvert self-interest subvert prosperity as well. This necessity
to exploit self-interest makes Socialism a mirage. It seems right
in the eyes of its believers but eventually destroys its economic
base. In this light the curve that shows the disparity between
the rich and poor to some should be viewed instead as one showing the
path to upward mobility and prosperity.
What about the poor? Giving long term charity without requiring
the poor to work for it traps them by subverting their natural
self-interest to get out of poverty. Also, it seems that
self-interest on the part of
the rich by default leaves the poor to work long hours in sweat shops
for little pay. With no middle class there really is no one to
buy the goods that create prosperity because the rich tend to hoard
their money and the poor are not able to buy enough to operate the
system. A system of self-interest serves here too. That is
organized labor. Unions are currently as badly stigmatized as the
rich and corporations because like the others they have become
corrupt. However, I doubt that America would ever have had a
middle-class large enough to make us all prosperous if organized labor
had not been a force to counter the greed of the rich. Union
has even raised the wages of non-union workers. As a
conservative, I am no big fan of big labor: it is not
lost on me
that union abuse has crippled industrial productivity to the near
extinction of some corporations. This disparity exists because
unions have been given in many states monopoly powers that would result
in anti-trust actions if practiced by corporations. How many
enterprises are given the privilege to monopolize all the labor in a
state and have dues mandated by undemocratic legislation. If
unions were classified as corporations providing a service, that
service being collective bargaining and made subject to the same
anti-trust laws as other corporations, a more level playing field would
At this point you might think of the political solutions this argument
would raise. However, economics is not scientifically solvable
and depends as much on faith and perception as other factors. In
this uncertain context, God declares that He is the true source of
power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware
unto thy fathers, as it is this day. (Deut 8:18)
America's prosperity as we knew it was a blessing from God. It
momentum to continue for a good while in spite of national sins which
were eroding its foundation. Now we have to choose. God is
where he has always been with a blessing in his hand. Our sin
however has put a separation between us and Him that prevents us from
grasping it. Now is the time to let go of the bonds of poverty to
grasp that which is better. Voting sin-activists out of office is
therefore essential to the long-term welfare of our country in this and
other ways. Just do it.
Document History
May 18, 2012 Created.
May 18, 2012 Corrected some grammer, improved some wording, and
added to legend of graph.