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Copyright © 2016 by Wayne Stegall The Plot ThickensPossible extortion of Justice Kennedy
makes Scalia's death more suspect.
Previously when I wrote on this subject, I had established logically that autopsies should always be performed on the political dead and then that the behavior of many calculated to prevent the autopsy of Antonin Scalia.1 However, there was no proverbial smoking gun to take suspicions any further. However, at some point logical analysis of additional facts have the requisite smell of smoke. When questioned about the legality of the refusal to comply with same-sex rulings due to religious conscience, Judge Anthony Kennedy insinuated a similarity of the gay-marriage ruling to the Nazis. “How many judges do you think resigned in the Third Reich? Three,” he stated. “Great respect, it seems to me, has to be given to people who resign rather than do something they think is morally wrong, in order to make a point.”2Do you think it odd that would vilify a ruling he concurred with? Perhaps he had a change of heart seeing Kim Davis jailed for conscience. However, he said immediately afterward that public officials must enforce the law in spite of conscience. What then? Is it possible that he made a ruling distasteful to his own conscience? Consider the deduction made elsewhere that Mitch McConnell may be complying unwillingly to Obama for fear of extortion.3 It is also plausible that Kennedy was compelled in some manner to rule contrary to his own will. It would be a bitter pill to have to do such a thing, a thing many would then label Nazi. Then consider another point. What if he confided in another? Would they keep his secret? If he had confided such a thing to Antonin Scalia, given my estimation of his temperament, Scalia would have been hot. Hot enough to confront the presumed villain before considering the danger in doing so. According to a second hand source, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service observed signs of a secret meeting between Obama and Scalia hours prior to his death.4 A stunning report prepared for the Office of the President (OP) by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) examining the letter sent to President Putin by American billionaire Donald Trump last week that appeared to predict the murder of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia suggests that just hours before this esteemed jurists death he had held a secret meeting with President Barack Obama aboard a US Air Force plane heading to a secluded Texas ranch owned by a close personal friend and top campaign donor of America’s leader.It is fair to take only the facts from this report from Russian Intelligence. Although their conclusions and speculations would be politically suspect, their observations are consistent with their expected espionage in our (too) open society. Then this scenario could play out. Scalia – angry about manipulations of the judiciary – arranges to fly with Obama and confronts him with the matter. Then when they part ways, the departure of Secret Service protection which had supplanted the protection given by Federal Marshals leaves him – perhaps improperly – unprotected. Having alerted the perpetrators - either directly or indirectly – of his knowledge of their misdeed and his willingness or intent to expose it, he was suddenly in great peril. Then we can pick up the plot from my previous article on this subject:1 After the body was discovered at 11am it seems that that John Poindexter, the ranch owner, did not directly fetch help. Instead, he proceeded in a careful way like someone who had to contain a situation. He was reluctant to divulge specific information when he made contacts. In this way, he first got medical advice anonymously to determine the next course of direction.5 Then his 911 call asked for information to contact U.S. Marshals without disclosing Scalia's identity.6 In the interim, U.S. Marshals flew in by helicopter with orders to secure the ranch. Later Poindexter's outreach to get a death certificate took a circuitous route, resulting in a death pronouncement over the phone which omitted to do an autopsy. It is then odd that other judges who were called first but did not come rushed to the presumed funeral home when they discovered that it was Scalia.7 Another passed over judge said she would have ordered the autopsy. It is also worthy of note that Poindexter already had his excuses to argue against an autopsy prepared and ready. How convenient it was to have obtained some kind of statement about Scalia's doctor's opinion of his condition ready in advance. The effect of Poindexter's careful, measured communications was to forgo an expected and proper autopsy.Now suspecting the extortion of Kennedy and deducing that a secret meeting with Obama would occasion Scalia to confront him about it, this obvious subverting of Scalia's autopsy takes on a more sinister tone. Also why was their meeting not reported with the news of Scalia's death. How could you convince me that the enemies of democracy didn't do something wrong? Surely they are not just going to tell us –or even let us find out –are they?
1See related article Is Scalia a Martyr? 2Heather Clark, "Citing Nazis, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kennedy Says Religious Civil Magistrates Must Obey Law or Resign," November 3, 2015, Christian News Net, christiannews.net, link. 3See related article Politics of Extotion 4Sorcha Faal, "US Supreme Court Justice Scalia Had Secret Texas Meeting With Obama Just Hours Before His Death," February 16, 2016, What Does It Mean.com, whatdoesitmean.com, link. 5John MacCormack, "Cibolo Creek Ranch owner recalls Scalia’s last hours in Texas," Monday, February 15, 2016, My San Antonio, mysanantonio.com 6"Replay of the 911 call from Cibolo Creek Ranch," viewed February, 17, 2016, Inside Edition. 7Reference to NPR piece, Kim LaCapria, "Antonin Scalia's Death Prompts Confusion, Conspiracy Theories," Feb 15, 2016. Snopes.com Document History June 11, 2016 Created. |