- New audio article: DIY Power Conditioning April 19, 2024. Add an X
capacitor and then a ferrite bead to a surge protector for RFI
- Updated contact page: Contact
13, 2023. Added some examples of my experience with
intercepted communications.
- New political article: Elijah Law March 2, 2023 Secret law
brings summary judgement against supposed end time actors.
- New political article: The Worst Thing I've Ever Done.
February 3, 2023. Created.
- External link: Pelosi
a psychotic homeless addict estranged
from his pedophile lover & their children October 29, 2022 New York
- Updated audio article: Local
Feedback Updated September 26, 2022. Correct
Compensated Phase Margin in chart where values transposed.
- New audio article: DIY Mogami Speaker Cables July 5, 2022. Coaxial speaker
cables improve the sound of my stereo.
- New political article: Pharaoh's Magicians
- External link: Twix Halloween
Commercial October 31, 2021. Watch this one
close. It's really diabolical. Left's brave new world?
- New political article: What Would Jesus Do?
October 29, 2021.
- New political article: Hacked Spiral
June 14, 2021.
- New political article: Prophets? June
- New political article: You Will Be Assimilated
May 1, 2021.
- External link: PART 1: CNN
Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from
Presidency April 13, 2021. Youtube.com
- New political article: Shadow Cabal
February 21, 2021. Democrats admit conspiracy to steal election.
- New political article: Click Your Heels January 9, 2021. The election
was stolen and you know it.
- New political article: Consequences of Anarchy December 16, 2020.
- Updated guitar article: Spanish Music Theory February 22, 2020. What
underlies the Spanish sound? Updated October 12, 2020 Added
more chords to chord tables and a new section on Harmonic Theory.
- New political article: Framed!? August 27, 2020. Police are
setup by subtlety.
- Updated audio article: Noise Shaping Music
Updated July 1, 2020 Added text to Final Remarks better
clarifying why high bit resolution (32bit?) is desired in audio DACs..
- New political article: War on the Police June 28, 2020.
- New political article: End Times? March 19, 2020. A Brief
Explanation Relating Today's Events to Bible Prophecy.
- New guitar article: Spanish Music Theory February 22, 2020. What
underlies the Spanish sound? Updated February 22, 2020..
Added minor improvements. Changed term subdominant to predominant
to indicate function rather than a specific chord.
- New Strange Link: Drag Queen Story Hour -
Queering the children. Added
September 11, 2019.
- New political article: Darkened Hearts May 6, 2019. Rationalization
poses to harm society.
- Updated guitar article: Guitar Shape July 24, 2018. Mathematical modeling of guitar shape
leads to modeling program. Updated November 28, 2018. Program
version 1.2.0. Added fingerboard, data, and side length
displays.. Internal changes increase resolution of shape plot and
reliability of program. Updated December 5, 2018. .Program version
1.3.0. Extended horizontal guitar outline for improved
appearance. Added neck joiin fret override for fixed
calculation. Now can activate fingerboard from Soundhole
dialog. Made corrections to figure titles. Updated December
5, 2018. Program version 1.3.1. Added more input validation
and error checking to Soundhole dialog. Updated January 10,
2019. Program version 1.4.0 Added graphic help for
- Updated political article: Sayoc Unmasked November 2, 2018. Coverup of
bomber's Democratic past. Updated November 5, 2018.
Corrected some misspellings and added section Additional Remarks..
- New political article: The Unseen War September 7, 2018.
- New audio article: One-Bend Amplifier May 15, 2018. Part 5:
and evaluate results.
- Updated political article: Norwegian Spiral Update April 24, 2018.
1.1GTon flyby of Asteroid 2018 GE3 on April 15, 2018 shows that the
singularity is still throwing rocks.
- New guitar article: Memorization April 2, 2018. A scientific
method to memorize your music (or anything else).
- New guitar article: Straight Intonation March 15, 2018.
of an intonation with a
straight nut and saddle.
- New political article: No Peace February 19, 2018.
- Updated political article: Insurrection April 1, 2017.
Updated February 15, 2018. Corrected a misspelling and improved
some wording..
- New audio article: Input/Output Bypass Board February 6, 2018.
- New guitar article: Mapping the Guitar Fingerboard December 27, 2017. How to learn all of the notes on your
guitar's fingerboard.
- New guitar article: Custom Intonation December 20, 2017. A tale of
giving my guitar a custom intonation adjustment.
- New guitar article: Scale Analysis Program November
25, 2017. Program determines chords supported by input
scale. Updated.November 26, 2017. Added override for flats
and sharps. Updated November 29, 2017. Modify
program to retain selected scale in Input Dialog on reentry and a Clear
button to clear it.
- New audio article: My Favorite Source Component November 3, 2017.
- New political article: Separation of
Ruthlessness September 25, 2017.
- New audio article: State Variable Tone Control
July 14, 2017.
- External Link: 30
or Threatened Since May,
Alex Griswold, June 22, 2017, The
Washington Free Beacon, freebeacon.com.
- External Link: Liberals
Assumes the Presidency, Michael
Scherer, January 20, 2017, Time |
Politics, time.com. A confession of subversion from the liberals'
own allies. The primary agent of revenge here, David Brock,
previously declared war to destroy FOX news. Hmm... what of
O'Reilly's demise?
- New political article: Smoking Gun
April 18, 2017. New evidence of witness tampering.
- Re-updated audio article: Sealed-box Speaker Equalizer January 14, 2017 Part 1: Chebychev design
methods allow the design of speaker equalizer. Updated
January 14, 2017. Added missing last curly brace not copied with
program and added mention of use of SPICE Opus. Updated January 14, 2017. Added input for user to input his own
C1/C2 choice to program.
section Determining
- Updated audio article: Sealed-box Speaker Equalizer March 18, 2017 Part 2:
JFETs. Updated March 19,
2017. Corrected incorrect filenames in program use instructions
and added a brief paragraph on buffer design.
- External link: Amazing
Evidence For God.
- New audio article: Chebychev Filter Synthesis
December 31, 2016.
- New political article: False Flag
December 15, 2016. Accusations of Russian hacking are only cover
for the censorship of political free speech and an ongoing attempt to
steal the election.
- Updated audio article: Butterworth
Filter Synthesis November 18, 2016. Updated
November 25, 2016. Added highpass bode plot and example of
calculation of pole angles and Qs.
- New political article: Cabal November 1, 2016. Plot to
destroy me in 1994 raises questions concerning Clinton's involvement.
- Updated political article: Orbit
excerpt from my book shows my
enemies' ruthlessness. Updated October 26, 2016 Added a new
paragraph at the end of the article – entitled Other Witnesses –
perhaps as astonishing at the original article itself.
- New political article: Witchy Weather October 13, 2016. Eyewitness
testimony suggests weather manipulation.
- New political article: Tony Soprano for President September 23, 2016. Is it
possible that America could elect a criminal for President?
Updated October 7, 2016 Added new footnotes and links to them and
those already present.
- External Link: Bombshell
Assault Victim
The Political Insider.
- Updated political article: Where's Larry? May 12, 2014. Larry Nicols
has been silent since he confessed to be the Clintons' hit man.
Updated September 13, 2016. Contracted all occurrences of the
word that some might think should be censored.
- New political article: This Circus is Rigged
March 4, 2016. Hillary's plot to steal the election.
- Updated political article: Salt Required February 22, 2016. The real
reason conservatives are losing the battle for America. February
23, 2016. Added wording to clarifiy the idea that some operate
the wrath of God.
- New political article: Hard Ball July 18, 2015. What my enemies most want to hide
from you. Updated August 23, 2015. Added disclaimer about
the telling of deceiving a crimina
- Updated political article: Clinton's Obsession October 16, 2013.
Updated November 19, 2013. Added postscript The Empire Strikes