Copyright © 2011 by Wayne Stegall
Created February 4, 2011. See Document History at end for
In his
effort to keep informed, the patriot must be wary of another device:
public opinion or obscure the
A direct denial of a
secret often draws attention to the very
thing it is intended to conceal. When anti-globalists protest, if
they are called what they are, it becomes necessary to discuss issues
of globalism that globalists would rather not discuss. Instead
these people are labeled in a manner to divert their issues such as anarchists or
others. Whereas intrigue is a normal part of
politics, whether legal or otherwise, backroom political
agendas expected to be unpopular must be camouflaged.
Disinformation becomes the means to this end. In fact globalists
have worked this device to the virtual invisibility of their
existence. Begin a conversation with some with "The CFR..." and
eyes will roll, faces will take on signs of incredulity, body language
infer the desire to change the conversation. Begin to tell them
about the Bilderburgers and their eyes will betray their calculation of
your sanity. To the sheep, these organizations do not exist,
in spite of having street addresses and even websites. The
four-story limestone mansion housing the Council on Foreign Relations
headquarters on 68th Street in New York City might as well have a
cloaking device installed for the power of words to conceal them. |
Picture of verbally cloaked building on
68th Street in New York City taken between disinformation campaigns.

In practice, it would be difficult to track down the rumors created for
disinformation to their source. It would be better to logically
examine some of the conspiracy theories that abound to assess plausibly
which are the actual secrets which some desire to conceal and which
represent the subterfuge meant to conceal them.
Consider the Global
Warming Lie. A well established environmental agenda
becomes subterfuge to cover for a push for needed energy
independence.2 How
about the 911 Conspiracies? Accusations of a government plot to
bring down the twin towers to create a pretext for war becomes the
to obscure real questions pertaining to the unexpected neat fall of the
buildings.3 UFO sightings are used
as cover for experimental aircraft flights. Many open secrets
exist because of deliberate or accidental misinformation of this type.
Rumors abound, listeners
This allegedly secret
Lockheed craft with an approximately 600ft wing span (5 acres?!) could
use some verbal camouflage. This image itself could be
disinformation, but it still serves to illustrate the point..

I was reading on the CIA's website where they depicted all of the odd
technologies they researched over the years. Some were plausible
and others not. One said that in the early seventies they
designed and deployed an insect sized unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
resembling an actual insect
of small size. This does not seem a plausible development of the
technology of that time. Possible disinformation? I think
they were caught in the very act. This is the actual text that I
copied from their website:
Developed by CIA’s Office of Research and Development in the
1970s, this micro UAV was the first flight of an insect-sized vehicle
(insectothopter). It was intended to prove the concept of such
platforms for intelligence collection.
had a miniature engine to move the wings up
and down. A small amount of gas was used to drive the engine, and the
was vented out the rear for extra thrust. The flight tests were
However, control in any kind of crosswind proved too difficult.
A blogger once posted that the CIA could spy by shrinking themselves
and their aircraft down to insect size and fly around the houses of
their targets. The apparent relation between this absurd
conclusion and the above CIA disclosure illuminates how disinformation
develop among those whom it is intended to discredit. All this
probably to conceal some more plausible yet still secret surveillance
Believe, but don't believe
1From Merriam Webster's 11th
Collegiate Dictionary.
2See article The Politics of Global Warming
3See article Demolition 911
Document History
February 4, 2011 Created.
February 4, 2011 Added picture of CFR headquarters and caption
and corrected some grammar.
February 20, 2011 Moved reference to footnote 2 to a more
relevant place and corrected some unexpected misspellings.