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April 8, 2009 A Compelling Argument against Darwinism
For ages, men, even those without the
knowledge of God, have regarded the universe and its creatures too
intricate to deny the existence of a Creator. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: (Ro 1:20) In due time, because of the deceitfulness of sin, driven by the desire to fulfill its cravings without conscience, they created a lie. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, …Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. (Ro 1:22,25) Thus Charles Darwin introduced this lie and his followers have made it a major tenet of humanism, which they steadfastly claim not to be the religion that it actually is. It seems useful to me to give the most compelling arguments against this lie.
DNA and Statistics
Biogeneticists tell us that the human
genome has approximately 32,000 genetically significant base pairs out
of a total of 3 million.1
Darwinists would like us to believe that a chance occurrence brought
life into existence. What are the odds that any human being could
come about by chance? Since the code is binary, the odds are the
same as if a random integer with 32,000 bits were rolled. This
amounts to astronomical 1 in 232,000 odds. We do not
think in binary however, so let’s convert this to the decimal
system. An exponent of 2 can be converted to an exponent of 10 by
the formula:
Any choice of base for the logarithmic functions will produce the same result, as long as they are the same. (I used the natural log) Exponent base 10 = 32,000 x 0.30103 = 9633 (to four digits accuracy) Thus the odds in decimal terms are 1 in 109633.
astronomical number with 9633 decimal places cannot be entered on
a calculator! The Darwinist will retort that nature will roll these odds repeatedly, in order to hold on to their position. This however is the common Gambler’s Logical Error. He thinks, that because a run of rolls of dice did not produce a certain combination, that the odds that it will occur increase in subsequent rolls. This is patently false; the odds remain the same on each roll regardless of the past history of rolls. The Darwinist will further argue that we should do these calculations on one-celled creatures since they assert that life began with them. Yet one-celled amoebas have total base pair counts from 290 billion to 670 billion.2 Wow! Since DNA represents a binary code, it can
be compared to a machine language program. Based on this
relation, a Darwinist should suggest that computer programmers create
code with random number generators. I am not going to give up my
compiler! Is their denial of the Creator any less incredible? The Big Bang and Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity
Darwinists would cite the fossil record and modern measurements of prehistory. Many counterarguments exist that would be impractical to address here. Darwinist measures of time such as Carbon-14 dating and dating by uranium radioactive decay depend on presumptions about prehistoric boundary values that they were not there personally to measure. If radioactive matter were released into the environment at the time of the Noah’s Flood, an upheaval likely greater than we imagine, pre-flood dates would date much earlier than otherwise. Generally, the claimed periods of great past geological activity would certify higher environmental radiation levels during these times. The most compelling argument, I’ve heard,
was from a Jewish physicist. Promoting his book on a television
program, he expounded in highly mathematical and technical language how
that science reconciled the Genesis creation account and the alleged
billions of years of the universe’s existence. I believed him,
though I could barely follow his explanation. Later reflection
made sense of it to me, however. First consider some aspects of
Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity. The theory predicts a
time distortion near the speed of light, so that the closer you
approach the speed of light the slower that time passes for you
compared to stationary objects. At the moment of the Big Bang and
afterward, the inhabitants living out their lives on an earth traveling
at near light speeds would experience their lives as the Bible says
while the time elapsing on a stationary frame of reference would pass
the millions and billions of years that science measures. By this
means, the Jewish physicist mathematically reconciled the 6000-10,000
year biblical history with the 15 billion years that scientists say has
elapsed since the Big Bang. Epilogue
firm memory of 32,000 genetically significant base pairs has been
downgraded by
the Human Genome Project to 20,000 to 25,000. The remainder of
the total 3
million base pairs are attributed to auxiliary functions such as
protein sequences and other things that are not insignificant
Perhaps the rest is data rather than code. In any case, the
calculations remain astronomical. Document History |