* +-32V Power supply based on VPT48-10400 48VAC CT @ 10.4A *x1 vdd1 vss1 vdd2 vss2 pwrreal *rl1 vdd1 0 680 *rl2 0 vss1 680 *rl3 vdd2 0 16 *rl4 0 vss2 16 .subckt pwrreal vdd1 vss1 vdd2 vss2 * vt1, vt2, rt1, rt2 simulate 48VCT transformer * with 5% load regulation vt1 vsec1 0 dc 0 ac 0 sin (0 35.64 60) vt2 0 vsec2 dc 0 ac 0 sin (0 35.64 60) rt1 vsec1 vreg1 115.4m rt2 vsec2 vreg2 115.4m * vt3, vt4, rt3, rt4 simulate 48VCT transformer * with 5% load regulation vt3 vsec3 vsec1 dc 0 ac 0 sin (0 9.504 60) vt4 vsec2 vsec4 dc 0 ac 0 sin (0 9.504 60) rt3 vsec3 vreg3 34.62m rt4 vsec4 vreg4 34.62m *filter 1: supply to first two stages xbr1 vreg3 vreg4 vdd1 vss1 bridge1 c1p vdd1 0 15m ic=43.92 c1n 0 vss1 15m ic=43.92 *filter 2: supply to source follower xbr2 vreg1 vreg2 vdd2 vss2 bridge6 c2p vdd2 0 22m ic=32 c2n 0 vss2 22m ic=32 .ends .subckt bridge1 ac1 ac2 dcp dcn d1 ac1 dcp 1N4004 d2 ac2 dcp 1N4004 d3 dcn ac1 1N4004 d4 dcn ac2 1N4004 .MODEL 1N4004 D( IS=403P N=1.57 BV=400 IBV=10U + RS=43.2M CJO=52.8P VJ=300M M=272M FC=500M + TT=5.05U EG=1.11 XTI=3 KF=0 AF=1 ) .ends .subckt bridge6 ac1 ac2 dcp dcn d1 ac1 dcp 1n5407 d2 ac2 dcp 1n5407 d3 dcn ac1 1n5407 d4 dcn ac2 1n5407 * todo: find 6A replacement for this 3A diode model .MODEL 1N5407 D( IS=154.1N N=2.06 BV=800 IBV=500U + RS=8.1M CJO=460P VJ=550M M=440M TT=434.7N) .ends .subckt pwrideal vdd1 vss1 vdd2 vss2 vpos vdd1 0 dc 43.92V vneg vss1 0 dc -43.92V vpos2 vdd2 0 dc 32v vneg2 vss2 0 dc -32v .ends *.end *.control *tran 1m 0.1 0 1m *plot vdd1 vss1 *plot vdd2 vss2 *.endc